Institutul Postliceal Phoenix (IPP) is an NGO, situated in North-West of Romania, working at national level. According its statute, IPP, organizes and manages educational, cultural and sportive activities for the members, students, trainers and other people, eager to enrich their educational, cultural level and physical training.
IPP has experience in VET and adult education since 1995 providing adult training courses, qualifications/specializations for the following occupations: Art director, DTP- designer, Web designer, Graphic design, Human resources inspector. It also offers modules in word processing, data bases, CAD, software testing, multimedia and Internet skills. Currently, the organization works with 5 employees and 6 volunteers.
During the period 2008-present, the organization has developed Phare, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, European Social Founds, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and Erasmus+ projects with the purpose of increasing the social and professional integration of vulnerable groups from North-West, Central and South-East Regions of Romania.
Our target group is very large, including vulnerable groups: disabled people ( including deaf people), Roma minority, young people from placement centres, people from rural areas, migrants and unemployed people. Since 2005, the association enrolled in training a total of 1902 people, of which a total of 1766 people received certificates of qualification or graduation.
IPP has experience working with deaf people as following: 2007-2009 partner in the Grundtvig project –„Social adaptation of people with disabilities”; 2008-2010 partner in Leonardo da Vinci, transfer of innovation project- “ENFORA”; 2010-2013 partner in the ESF strategic partnership project "Multi-regional network for the promotion and application of social economy concepts in order to increase the chances of integrating people with disabilities" POSDRU 84/6.1/S/58636; 2011-2013 partner in the Grundtvig project- www.TV-DEAF; 2017-2019- partner in project Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs „European Mobility EM IX-1” Grant Agreement nr.763968-where, IPP advocated a transnational exchange for 2 people with hearing impairment.
Since 2017, the organization is accredited for social services. In social department, Oncosuport, we carry out sporting activities to maintain health for people with serious illnesses.
An important result of the exchange of best practices accomplished during the EU partnerships was the development of the Moodle-based e-learning environment in the VET and adult education department. Institutul Postliceal “Phoenix” is a founding member of Asociatia Patronala a Furnizorilor de Formare Profesionala din Romania (Employers' Vocational Training Association, Romania) and of Patronatul Judetean al Femeilor de Afaceri din IMM Cluj, Romania (The County Association of Business Women in SMEs from Cluj county).